
BE A MAN (Revealing the inauthentic nature of MANHOOD)

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BE A MAN (Revealing the inauthentic nature of MANHOOD)


What does it mean to be a man in the modern world?

This book is the Man Bible on money, sex, woman, family, religion, and politics: what has worked in the past and what didn’t work

based on proven history and results—not on feelings.

What does it mean to be a man?

Possibly one of the most important questions a man can ask, but it is one of the least answered. I asked myself this very question at several key junctures in my life, and, as most men do, I struggled to find the answer.

This book cross-examines that vital question and sets forth my answers to that and other hard questions and brutal realities that men need to ask themselves to survive and be men.

I, like every man, have had problems in my life. I have solved some of these problems, but I still grapple with others. It is through the struggle to find solutions that I am able to examine myself and my life and finally answer the question, what does it mean to be a man?

As I discovered, there is no instruction manual or bible on how to be a man, and there are a million ideas on what it takes to be a man.

I write this book as it were a brutally honest conversation that a father would have with his son, away from the women and away from people who force political correctness for power and control.

This book is raw, real, and offensive,

and it will threaten and challenge you. I have discussed hard truths which i cannot discuss on social media !

If this book offends you, good. Offense taken to the truth laid down in these pages means that something you believe is based on weakness.

This book is based on a philosophy of stoicism and strength from a time when men were strong, admired by women, feared by their enemies, and respected by their families.

Today we have the opposite—men are weak, disrespected by women, laughed at by their enemies, and paid little respect by their children.

The weak men of today deserve little respect as they drift from job to job and never actually take responsibility for their lives and problems.


I offer only results here—no feelings—so buckle up and please don’t cry if I hurt your feelings.

I want this!

At the end of the day, being a man is a functional task: things either work or they don’t. Everything I give you in this book works in a practical sense, I offer only results here—no feelings—so buckle up and please don’t cry if I hurt your feelings.

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82 pages
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